# Configuration
All user config lives in the `app/config` folder, using [TOML](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml/blob/master/versions/en/toml-v0.4.0.md) files.
## Files
### cache.toml
Cache setup
* **driver** - the caching backend, one of: `apcu`, `memcached`, `null` (no-caching), or `redis`
* **[connection]** - connection information for the selected cache
### config.toml
General configuration
* **kitsu_username** - The username for your account on [Kitsu](https://kitsu.io)
* **whose_list** - Name to show in the header
* **show_anime_collection** - Whether to show the collection in the main menu
* **use_mal_api** - Whether to use the MyAnimeList API. Make sure to have it setup in `mal.toml` beforehand.
* **asset_dir** - The path to the public directory. Normally you won't need to edit this
### database.toml
Anime Collection Database Setup
* **[collection]**
* **type** - database that you are using, one of: `mysql`, `pgsql`, or `sqlite`
* **host** - hostname to use to connect to the database, not needed for `sqlite`
* **user** - username to connect to database, not needed for `sqlite`
* **pass** - password to connect to database, not needed for `sqlite`
* **port** - port to connect to database, only needed if using a non-default database port
* **database** - the specific database to connect to, not needed for `sqlite`
* **file** - `sqlite` only: the database file to use
### mal.toml
Settings for using the [MyAnimeList.net](https://myanimelist.net) API
* **username** - [MAL](https://myanimelist.net) username
* **password** - [MAL](https://myanimelist.net) password